Well, my Beringer boy is 6 months old and growing like a weed! I can't believe it was 6 months ago we were bringing him home from the hospital and I was a brand-spankin' new mom terrified I was gonna accidentally break my newborn. Don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty new at being a mom but it's okay.
It's okay that my laundry isn't getting folded after each load, at least it's washed. It's okay that once it's folded it may not be put away for another week.
It's okay that the house isn't getting dusted as often as I'd like or that I now wait to wash the dinner dishes until the next morning.
It's okay that I'm in bed between 8-9PM now because my son doesn't go to sleep without me. It's okay that I have a bit of insomnia nowadays. I'm still getting the sleep I need somehow.
It's okay that my body may never be what it once was. It's okay that these stretch marks will be a reminder of the child that grew within me.
It's okay I'm not getting many hours at work.
It's okay that I make a Walmart list and forget it or forget to get everything on the list.
It's okay that my hair is still falling out because my hormones are trying to get back to pre-baby.
It's okay that I don't want my son to get the flu shot at 6 months old.
It's okay that Beringer "still" breastfeeds and I don't see an end to it any time soon.
It's okay that nursing is a comfort to him.
It's okay when I play Troubadour to settle him down in the truck.
It's okay that sometimes I cry with him when his teeth are bothering him.
It's okay I cry tears of pure joy because God blessed me with a healthy baby boy.
It's okay Josh and I don't always get alone time.
It's okay that for our 4 year anniversary neither of us really wanted to go out because we'd rather spend a quiet evening at home.
It's okay that I second guess myself when I'm not sure.
It's okay that I'm a bit of an introvert and don't want to go to play dates or small group.
It's okay I don't always get dressed for the day at a decent hour or that I may not get out of my pajamas at all.
Here's the point: IT'S OKAY!! It may not be perfect at times. It may not be the most ideal or the most fun at times but it's okay. Today might be difficult but you'll be okay. Don't worry, tomorrow may be 10 times better.
You may not have all the answers but that's okay. There's a Heavenly Father who does have the answers so don't sweat it.
It'll all be okay! Take a breath, count to 10, grab that cup of cold coffee you've been trying to drink all morning and thank God for another sunrise.
Until next time,